events at Travelers Church

We love Jesus! He loved us when we were at our very worst. We have fresh hope, joy, peace, and new life because He initiated relationship with us. 

We believe all humans are created to know and be known by God, to converse with Him directly, love one another, and enjoy God and one another forever. We also have come to learn that because of sin (breaking God’s laws to live a perfect life), we all have severed this relationship with God. We believe God loves us so much that He gave His one and only Son to come to earth over 2000 years ago to live a perfect, sinless life, to teach us about God, and to die on a cross as a substitute for the penalty that we owed for our sins. We also believe that He rose from the dead after 3 days in a tomb, revealed Himself to over 500 real people, and ascended into heaven to rule over His Kingdom. He offers this gift of salvation to us free of charge and only requires belief in Him and the commitment of our life to follow Him forever. He commissioned those who believe in and follow Him to share this good news with everyone in the whole world. 



having fun at Travelers Church

We believe that the best way to share this news is through expressions of God’s love evidenced in local communities (churches) of people following God together. We call the establishment of new churches “church planting.” Churches grow organically in the context of relationships where God’s love is displayed through our words and actions by the way we treat one another and our world. 

Our families have known for several years that church planting was on the horizon, and in the summer of 2019 it became clear that Pittsburgh was the destination for Travelers Church. This unconventional name comes from a desire to connect Jesus with everyone’s journey, wherever the starting point may be. We think you’ll find a loving community of imperfect people with whom you can relate, enjoy friendship, and join hands to make our world a more beautiful place. Wade into the waters of Travelers Church at your own pace with no commitment or adherence to any particular set of beliefs necessary.


Travelers fun events

We began meeting weekly for Sunday morning worship in June of 2022. We emphasize and encourage conversations about Jesus in the natural course of our lives through established circles of relationship in our home, work, and community. We also believe God has created you for a unique and beautiful purpose and doesn’t want us engaged in boring and lifeless religion; rather, He wants to transform our hearts to align with His. In so doing, He wants us to spread love and goodwill with the knowledge of who He is, all He has done, and what He is doing today.

"We dream of a Pittsburgh where Jesus is more famous than steel."

We believe that church planting is the best way to fulfill the Great Commission. The church is the vehicle that is most holistically able to incarnate and contextualize the love of Jesus for the world in localized communities worldwide.

Church plants grow 12x faster than existing churches.

Churches that plant churches grow 3x faster than those who don’t.

New churches gain 60-80% of membership from new conversions.

2.5 million in the metro area.

Less than 1 in 15 adults identify as evangelical Christians.

Over 40% do not identify with any religion.

“Nones” are the fastest growing group regarding spirituality.

Repeatedly ranked as a top 10 city to raise a family.

Median age of 32, well below the national average.

68 higher learning institutions.

Most bridges of any U.S. city with 446.

Industry is out and technology is in.

Vibrant professional sports teams including the Steelers, Pirates, and Penguins.